A documentary film by Patricia Marchart
Accompanied by the camera, the victims visit the locations of the crimes from back then. Many are making their stories public for the first time. Their families are also only finding out about this hidden pain for the first time. A nightmarish insight into arguably the greatest crime of the post-war period. Yet abuse remains a trauma throughout society, made possible by an environment of repression and of piety. An accusation that will make you speechless, but also gives hope.
THE CHILDREN SEND THEIR REGARDS nominated for the Slamdance film festival
As sole European production on the shortlist for documentaries
What a joy it is to have an Austrian film on this precarious topic invited to participate in an important film festival in the US. As an alternative to the Sundance festival, the Slamdance film festival awards independent films since 1995. “The Children Send Their Regards” is now in with a chance for this important movie award.